Support ARTfactory
Support the Arts and Arts Education
By supporting ARTfactory, you’ll not only touch the lives of a diverse group of artists and performers, but also an entire community. The arts can leave a lasting impact on the lives of those who hear stories through dramatic arts, see beauty in an artist’s rendering, or feel passion from a vocal performance. We want you to be a part of our lasting impact.
Please consider making a donation to support this critical piece of our community.
The ARTfactory is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donation is fully tax deductible.

Looking to contribute to a specific ARTfactory fund? See below for our current and ongoing fundraising campaigns.

Bricks for the Arts

PPT Scholarship

Caton Merchant Gallery
Support ARTfactory
We Need Your Help
Please consider a donation to support the arts and arts education in our community. We couldn’t do what we do without the generosity of our donors.
ARTfactory also accepts in-kind donations. Please contact us at [email protected] if interested in an in-kind donation.